When, how and why automate software testing?

Software test automation is a powerful technology that has significant business benefits.

In this article we explore the most impactful benefits, in order to highlight when it makes sense for your organization to integrate automation into your test plan strategy.

Objective of automation

Automated testing aims to detect faults in the software avoiding that a person has to run the tests manually. In this case, the test expert generates a case to be tested, using a tool to build a software robot that will automatically perform the tests, so they can be performed 24 hours, 7 days a week, multiplying the amount and scope of the tests. It does not require the intervention of the individual in each new execution, since the test simulates human interaction with the software.

When to automate?

When it comes to automating software testing and digitizing processes, many companies say, "I'll pass, it's not for me yet," but miss the opportunity to incorporate major advances and efficiencies into their operation.

The time to automate your testing is when:

  • There are repetitive processes.
  • There are large flows that require updates and need to be regression tested.
  • Some cases are complex and time consuming.
  • It is necessary to run multiple tests.
  • It is essential to minimize human error.
  • Testing of critical components is required.
  • Multi-platform testing is required.
  • Working under DevOps methodologies.
  • Resource capacity is not sufficient to meet the established schedules on time.

How to automate?

There are different ways to do it. Through complex tools or with a high degree of programming, there are open source, or licensed, and some are simpler and friendlier than others.

The trend is to use agile, easy-to-use and scalable solutions, where changes can be easily incorporated. It is true that automation generates ROI when it is executed repeatedly throughout the life of the project. With some tools, each change in the application will necessarily require the maintenance of the automation and the dedication of specialized resources, which are sometimes costly. However, to this problem have emerged technologies that allow a more democratized assimilation of use and facilitate the creation of automations to people with little or no programming knowledge..

There are very powerful tools that are zero code, such as STELA, with AI engines. This is a solution that not only simplifies the generation of automations through drap and drop, but also gives a longer useful life to the automations, maximizing their profitability. It does not demand great dedication in the construction of robots, nor does it require specialized technical personnel, nor does it require exhaustive or frequent maintenance when applying Artificial Vision techniques for the recognition of elements on the screen even if they change position.

Why automate?

Automating has many advantages in software development and release. We highlight the most relevant ones:
  • Increased capacity for test execution. A large number of tests can be performed in a short period of time. They can be run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even when the test team is not in the office. They can be performed in parallel and on different servers, maximizing their capacity.

    They also allow for greater case coverage, thus achieving very thorough and accurate testing of functionality and more tested conditions and scenarios.
  • Continuous integration and Devops. Devops is an important trend in the construction of modern software. It aims to streamline the software release process, seeking to respond quickly to business requirements. In this sense, automated testing is vital to accelerate the entire delivery process, since it allows early critical tests to be performed before the release to production.
  • Increases quality and reliability indicators. Automated tests are ideal for detecting regression, integration and functional failures, among others. The role of testing leaders or managers will be crucial and more participative, by reporting and informing in time and with greater precision improvement opportunities and detected failures so that the software complies with the established quality standards, delivering reliable versions.
  • Substantial time savings. Automated testing multiplies the capacity of testing teams. They greatly minimize the execution of manual tests, the latter being required only in special scenarios.

    On the other hand, it allows to run more tests, without the need to increase the number of people dedicated to testing. The work team is much more efficient and productive, making the execution of software testing profitable.
  • Improves productivity and job satisfaction of resources. By optimizing time and freeing human resources from repetitive tasks, productivity gains are achieved and their motivation is improved, as they will be more willing to perform other types of tasks that continue to contribute to the improvement of the business.

    By using a tool such as STELA, resources will be more involved, the construction of automations is so simple that on average productivity increases by 60%. Evidence and reports facilitate the work. Each person will be able to maintain and reuse the automations, scaling their capabilities and contribution to the projects.
  • Repeatable software testing. The work involved in developing an automated test is rewarded by the large number of times it will be run. In cases where the test requires little maintenance, because the software is stable, the benefit is practicality, as the test is effortless. For regression testing, automation is ideal, since the tests can be run over and over again as the software evolves, ensuring consistency and that everything that worked in the previous version will continue to work in the new one.
  • Increased accuracy for the correction of software faults. Automated tests facilitate the accuracy in diagnosing the detected fault. They provide the evidence in a series of reports, with some tools, it is possible to obtain a video that allows to analyze in depth the situation, and the step by step of the detected bug. By using different data sets in the same test case, it is possible to be very accurate in the diagnosis of problematic situations.

    All these benefits provide significant savings in time optimization and results for companies that opt for automation as one of the pillars of their testing strategy.

    Automated testing is an excellent way to make the production of responsive functional software viable with a cost-effective, time and cost-efficient testing strategy.


  • No programming.
  • Its excellent price.
  • Automation construction with simple language: Drag and drop.
  • A single license for multiple users and for all platforms: mobile, web, Windows desktop, Oracle Forms, Java Swing and SAP Business.
  • Agility of use, very fast learning curve.
  • One-click execution.
  • Support and training in Spanish always available.
  • Used by all industries: Government, Banking, Fintech, Healthcare, IT, Logistics, Retail,...
  • Artificial Intelligence.

See how simple it is to automate with STELA

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